Friday, April 29, 2011

Training for a fight full time or part time for fighting?

Just needed to vent ;-) Read and enjoy, lol

One thing I see these days is young fighters (even young pro's) take fights last minute and only train 3-4 weeks max coming off the couch to try and get ready for a fight. One thing that happens is your body goes into shock going form 0-100 in such a short time. Another thing is they have not progressed and worked on anything new and become any better. If they lose they say, "I trained my butt off for this fight, why didn't I win?"
 They want the "W" without putting in the true work and commitment it takes to become a true fighter/winner/Champion. It takes a ton of sacrifice to do this. If you love being a fan and training for fun, that's cool, have fun and play with it as you have time.
It, however you want to be a Champion and be on the top of your game you have to train around any injuries, dates, parties etc...that may interfere with your training. It is almost as if you are in a relationship with your training. This is how you get better and grow, by training and putting your time in.
 I have people hit me up and say can you help me get ready for my next fight, when I ask when will it be, if they say in about 3 -4 weeks, I have to tell them no. for one thing it is simply not fair to the guys who are there every day in the gym getting better for some part time fighter to come in and want ALL my attention.
 If you want to fight, continue to learn and get better and push yourself to be your best. The fight is the fun part, but it's only won in good training.

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